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Sunday, August 7, 2011


Some vibing tunes for sunday evening. Enjoy.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Movie Review: Adjustment Bereau

Now this something I don't normally do; watch and review films. I don't know what impulse led me to go watch this film at 11h30AM (and be only person in the cinema) but I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the fact that somewhere in the attached film review on the film schedule I saw the words; "Phillip K. Dick adaption". Thats all i needed to see to go watch this film. Now I have run this blog for over half a year and I haven't mentioned PKD? I'm the ultimate fucking Dick-head. I have been obsessed with PKD since i by chance picked up a copy of his 1981 pre-fatal-stroke trilogy, Valis, in a second-hand bookstore in Longstreet. I had no idea who he was and had no conception of what his work would do to my life, essentially changing it's course forever. I just liked the cool picture on the cover.
Anyway, it seems I will be reviewing this film in the context of it being a PKD adaption, which is wholly unfair on the director, George Nolfi, I know. In its own right its a cool film to watch. I wouldn't go as far to say that its a great film and don't know enough about film to successfully rate it but I enjoyed it. I always love films about New York, films that explore the devious complexities of the megalopolis of our current era. Its really just a medium budget hollywood production with cool shots and engaging interplay between the characters, however it lacks the dystopianism of other Dickien adaptions like Blade Runner, A Scanner Darkly and Total recall but makes up for it with a quirky philosophical edge, characteristic of some of Dicks lesser known stories that deal with alternitve futures and the concept of free will. The world Jones Made comes to mind. It has been said in many great spiritual texts that the universe is largely pre-determined, however we as human beings, uniquely so, have the potential to introduce an element of chance into the equation. And with my moderate research into the motives behind extra-terrestrial activity involving human beings, it is this "free-will" that fascinates our brothers in space. For all our crudeness and gross imperfections we seem to possess this unique gift of manipulating our fate; although not always for the better.
So before I go on a bit of a sci-fi deviation lets get back to the film, which I must add is refreshingly devoid of the trappings of convention sci-fi. This a mind-fuck film in the tradition of 90s classics like The Truman Show and The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind but it ain't some wacky sci-fi flick. I esspecially like the idea of the "God's will" being a plan, that is enfored by a shadowy agency. Men in suits and hats, shifting between this world and the "bureau", always behind the scenes making sure that things go according the plan. In the story, the ultimate authority is the chairman, or what we mortals would deduce to be God, although there is no mention whatsoever of the word "God" in the story, the suggestion is clear.
The pinnacle revelation is when our protagonist is revealed the the magnitude of the plan. We learn that the Bureau has attempted to give humanity free-will in the past only to have us gloriously screw it up each time, the first experiment being shortly after the formation of the Christian church, we responded to this freedom by descending in the Dark ages for 500 years. The Bureau stepped in and took away our free-will and give us the renaissance and the industrial revolution. They then decided to give us another chance in 1910CE, but within 50 years we fucked it up again, with World War 1, The Great Depression, World War 2, The Nuclear Bomb, The Rise of Totalitarianism, The Cold War and finally bringing the world to the brink of annihilation with the Cuban missile crisis. After that they just had to step in again.
Some big ideas to chew on, but at the end of the day this just another Hollywood love story for the masses. Still fun though.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Wid Eyes -Vampire Radio

The Wild Eyes are a ZA band fronted by Nikhil Singh. The band have produced some amazing, goth tainted surf rock over the years, their live performances are a sight to behold and they enjoy a cult following.
The band on its own is great but my fascination lies with Nikhil. He he is multi-talented "artist"'; he writes, he draws graphic Novels like Salem Brownstone and fronts a phenomenal band as well as doing some solo stuff. Whatever medium he utilizes, his raw reality-shattering vision pierces through.
This new video appears to be a bit of a departure from the older gothy stuff and a reckless venture into the future with a kewl cyber-punk swagger and a glich glam aesthetic.In2it!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

R.I.P Leon Botha

Shocking news. South African Hip hop legend and painter; Leon Botha, has died. I have only gotton word of it now but apparently he passed away on Sunday at the age of 26, due to complications of his disease; Progeria. He is alleged to be have been the longest living example of a person with this condition, a disease that rapidly ages the human body.
I have only really scratched the surface of this beautiful human beings work and from what I have seen so far, he had some mad shit going down. Feeding a passion for martial arts, spirituality and philosophy Leon used the platforms of Hip hop and oil-painting to deliver his unique cosmic message. I am deeply saddened that I never got a chance to meet this extraordinary cat. Anyway I hope to blog some of this guys work and create more of an awareness around this very special individual, who probably mostly only associated with Die Antwoord's Ninja Video. For now you can check out his myspace and official website. Mad love.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Arabic Graffiti

So recently I've been taking an interest in 15th century Islamic arts, from the calligraphers to the miniaturists, its highly disciplined tradition of art that is far removed from the frivolous painters of the west at that point in history. I have also always been interested in graffiti as means of reinterpreting the urban landscape.
So finding this book, Arabic Graffiti(ISBN:978-3937946269) was a terrific find. Arabic by its very nature carries a distinct warrior-like ethos and how that relates to modern graffiti is something I'd defineately like to explore a bit more. It was Rammmellzee, the great american lingual alchemist, who devised the theory behind the "Wildstyle". He spoke in depth about the 'militarisation of the alphabet' in his theory of Gothic Futurism. Anyway I hope to blog a bit more about this book once I get hold of a copy.
P.S. The last picture, the "CTRL+ALT+DELETE" on the Palestinian wall isn't really arabic and falls within the genre intelligent/socially-concious street-art, but fuck it's a damn fine piece of graffiti.

My New Asian Friends!

Need I say more?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

S000 Kewt! :: Tardigrades AKA WaterBears/MossPiglets

Don't normally blog animals but what the hell, these little critters are just too damn keut. They are microscopic, water-dwelling, segmented animals with eight legs. The name water bear comes from the way they walk, reminiscent of a bear's gait. The biggest adults may reach a body length of 1.5 millimetres (0.059 in), the smallest below 0.1 mm. Freshly hatched larvae may be smaller than 0.05 mm.
They also seem have a indestructible quality, they can handle any earthbound climatic extremity and can even survive the vacuum of space. Looks like they're set for another space adventure next week, when the Space Shuttle Endeavour's STS-134 launches on Monday, these lucky buggers along with 4 other microscopic life forms will be joining the crew for fun and games all in the name of science. God bless Darwin.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Good Day Today - David Lynch

Good Day Today by threeminutesthirtyseconds
Legendary director David Lynch has made an unexpected crossover into dance music. Totally far-out. Here's a little sample of a single he put out a couple of months back, but apparently he's just finished a whole album. I'll be prompt on the download and be blogging that shit ASAP.

Com Truise: 'Iwywaw (Teeel Remix)' MP3

Com Truise - Iwywaw (Teeel Remix) by Surfing on Steam
Kewl dance number from the Surfing On Steam blog. Lekker vibable remix of the Cyanide Sisters jam "Iwywaw" from dream-beat artist Teeel.
Its Friday night and I kinda wish I was out at the club, jolling it up, but the crushing realization is that I'm not gonna score any top tier alt pussy, have any mad drug-addled revelations or vibe to any dope beats. Everything I could want is right here; next level Mp3s on my HD, some tobacco to smoke and some good old-fashioned crime fiction to tuck into - Bring on the winter hibernation vibes yo.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Zinja Hlungwani - N'wagezani My Love

These cats are producing some far-out "electro" utilizing cheap/homemade electronics. Labeled as "Shangaan Electro", new wave music form South Africa. They were a meme material last year but since the dust has settled a bit it seems as though they're proving to be a significant group of artists.
In this unofficial video, the music has been played over footage taken from short movie "Charleston Parade" (1927). The dizzying absurdity of the video goes well with the crooning laments of the singer, alluiding to a buzzing sexual overtone. Fun Stuff.

Cankun - Mundaka

Cankun - Mundaka from Jónó Mí Ló on Vimeo.

Kewl vid from Jónó Mí Ló.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ethnic Datings Sites:

Thought it would be interesting to explore the world of internet dating. Im still very much a believer in the good old fashioned and comparatively whimsical method of finding love through chance and random coincidence but I guess the modern way is via the data date. Using technology to link 2 humans 2gether.Here is specially designed online facility for those of Jewish ethnicity.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Vice Cover Jan 2011

The Barking Dog Issue, January 2011.
Photo by Ayman Oghanna
Read the issue here.
Great photo, kinda highlights some of the points I brought up in my post earlier today.


Not in the mood for getting all political, just kinda feeling a bit perturbed by the whole "Osama fanfare" after his the Al Qaeda leader's targeted killing by U.S. Marines one week ago. I mean its 2011 and we still trapped in this karmic void of revenge and vindication. let the rednecks celebrate their hollow victory but please someone please let me know when the Osama, Che-style T-shirts go on sale.
I really had faith in Barrack Obama for a minute or two, I mean i thought that he quite possibly could be the one that would help America transcend it's self-obsessed over-fortification and rampant egotism, but damn, seems like he's just another redneck tryna catch 'em "towel-heads' and playing out the classic 'kill the bastard' mentlaity. I mean Osama is defineately no angel but come on can't we just learn from this and move on. In the last 10 years 100s of U.S. and British soldiers have lost life and limb over this silly little battle, lets not even go into how many 1000s of Afghan civilians have died since 2001, is this really worth it?
On a lighter note, with all the re-hyping of "The Worlds Former-Most-Wanted", some quirky liitle titbit's surrounding his life have surfaced, including claims that he was a "pot-head" (via living amidst a Marijuana plantation) and my favorite is a recently leaked image of him watching videos of himself.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Musings on contemporary hipster culture

Think I'll do a little rap on 'hipsterism' this morning, kinda feeling I gotta few things to get off my chest. Always good to clear the air you know.
Firstly I would like to state that I am by now means an expert on 21st century youth culture. At best I'm an engaged observer of what I see, the extent of my participation in what it deemed 'hipster culture' extends only as far attending a few 'relevant' events and sniffing cocaine, a drug which I could never afford, with these so-called 'hipsters', some of which I still consider to be friends but most I now acknowledge as total douche-bags.
From what I gather this idea of the hipster came about in the early part of the this century, an Mp3-based culture that included fashion,art, upper-class drugs and an aloof/elitist attitude to everything. Bands like the Strokes and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs from New York and whole whack similarly pretentious so-called indie bands sprung up everywhere and redefined an otherwise core branch of alternative music; indie-rock. Up until the year 2000, indie meant bands like Sonic Youth, Pavement, My Bloody Valentine and Chapterhouse. Cool bands that were slightly more grungy/druggy/weird/whatever than the rest of the mainstream/alternative scene.
But something interesting happened towards the turn of the century; the Mp3. A format in which the recordings on a CD-R could be digiatlised and sent across a line from my hard-drive to yours in an instant. This coupled with the antics of the Silicone Valley Cowboys at Napster gave rise the download-era, now entire 50GB+ Music libaries could be easily downloaded and neatly stored in folders on hard-drives all over the world. This inevitably gave rise to the bedroom musicologist, what would previously only been available to the most ardent of music collectors and proffesional reviewers was now availible to everyone.
The new ready availablity of music has presented a few cultural challenges. How do we cope with these vast megabytes of music flooding our hard-drives and turning our iTunes players into un-navigable jungles? We could take it open ourselves to challenge all previously imposed restrictions and embrace the information overlaoad and dance in our confusion, expand our minds and bravely edge into the new millenium as fully eclecticised beings. But sadly this is not the reality and it seemes that the more we're exposed to the more we retreat and create walled gardens to feel safe, secure and accepted.
This is where 'hipsterism' come into play. Whole legions of shitty over-stylised indie bands are now suddenly finding it possible to have their work listened to, downloaded and collected. Young people eager to be "different" yet too scared to go and formulate their own identity are drawn to these bands and the culture of indie-rock. A scene develops, people feel safe and secure knowing that there are others out there that don't wanna do the mainstream thing thing yet are very uncertain about getting involved with the punks/ravers/goths or other alts. Indie is safe. It promotes dandyish sensibilities while still pretending to have a hard punk edge. Indie is elite, as many of the bands have so-called 'critical-acclaim' and it is 'sophisticated' deceivingly appearing literary and intellectual.
The way I see it is that the indie scene is the fragile and sensitive seed from which the fully fledged Hipster is sprouted, Granted there are many modern day hipsters who come from a mainstream background, but essentially the soul of the hipster movement is rooted in the pseudo-alt-ness that comes from indie. Where the indie-boy/girl is unconfident shy and looking for acceptance in an alt environment, the hipster is detached, aloof, seemingly confident in his/her beliefs and worldly. I really wish not to go into all the stereotypes that surround the fashion sensibilites and characteristic behahaiours of this sub-culture, rather I see this article as being a critique on the false notions that this culture has cultivated in the name of a perverted ideal.
Hipster-bashing has been around for some time now; The Hipster Olympics, Being a Dickhead is Cool and the new We-Are-Awful SA site come to mind. But that hasn't given rise a mass realisation or an awakening of sorts on the part of these Hipsters. If anything it has strengthened the movement and created a wider distance between them and the rest of society. My truck is not with people seeking alternative lifestyles or breaking away with societal norms - what disturbs me is the insanity that these people must be suffering from, believing that they are "different" when actuality they are in fact the biggest conformists out there.
In the 60s there too were hipsters, counter-culture vanguards who sipped espresso at coffee shops and read Camus. A bunch of people who probably had fantastic trust-funds and could afford the luxury of leisure and intellectualism. I would hardly find such a group of people admirable or "cool" but for god sakes at least they read! The current breed of hipsters are born from a completely Mp3-based culture, and stylized and genre-fyed Mp3s at that as well. Yet these fuckers parade around, acting all snooty, looking like nerds yet possessing a extremely limited creative, inflective or intellectual ability. If someone comes to you and says 'I'm a creative' and they are dressed head to toe in American-Apparel, you can be sure that this person is a dumb as fuck. I mean why else would be too lazy to create their identity in the world, formulate their own musical tastes or read books and blogs besides Dazed and Confused and Pitchfork?

Monday, April 25, 2011

S4LEM - SiCK (((Nu Vid>>

Oh yeah, new video by witch-hoppers SALEM. Whether you love 'em or hate 'em, you gotta give the niggas credit for totally killing it in 2010 with their evil antics and genre-name controversy(Rape-gaze, WTF?). Internet sensations and ideal meme material, its hard to look past the hype and analyze the art.
I'm interested in these cats for a number of reasons, apart from being on the vanguard of the alternative scene, they represent the depraved beauty of a civilization on the brink of self-destruction. They are an artistic representation of the point at which, globalization, multiculturalism, mass-consumption and information overload collide and frazzle up into waves of shimmering reverb.
This might sound dramatic and bit OTT and I'll admit that essentially they're just a bunch of indie retards who grew up with too much gangsta rap and bad drugs, but I also see them as being the vessels for something much bigger than Pitchfork and rest of the hipsterised bloggosphere. The dark and restless feeling that builds just before something really nasty/weird/life-changing happens.
I dunno, maybe I'm the only fan out there that reads this deep into music that is essentially shoved off as "music for druggies, by druggies". But on a base level the lo-fi imagery is mad dope, the content is lekker NSFW noggal and everybody likes a good horror/sex/violence combo.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


years ago when I was still into graffiti I remember being blown away by SABER's wildstyles. The commitment that went into painting the LA river piece is insane, it took almost a full year, going and painting it everynight, busting his knees to create a the first piece of modern graffiti to be clearly visible from space. The only thing that comes close in my opinion is the Nazca lines in Peru, but that shit was alien-assisted anyway - another story for another day.
Looks like he's established himself as a credible painter, here he is doing his thing, just relishing the joys of painting, kinda makes me wanna get my act together and do some stuff.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

$akawa Boyz

S0me Fukked up Tech0ccult stuff from deepest darkest Africa. Check out the vid from VBS.TV...^^and some miscellaneous jpegs from here and there:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ulrich Schnauss_Electric Independence

Ulrich Schnauss is an electronic musician who makes some far-out ethereal sounds heavily inspired by 90s shoegazer bands like My Bloody Valentine and Chapterhouse. He hasn't had any new work out in a while, so his forthcoming album is much anticipated. In this video he talks a bit about his process, the relevancy electronically composed music and his love for the Oberheim synthesizer. Good 2 know that this magician of the the sonic + electronic realms is hard at work, producing some next level Mp3s to help us transcend this dying planet and reach our post-human destiny.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mane Mane - Get Over It 3D

Video I discovered via the ROSE QUARTZ blog. Gr8 resource of Lo-fi imagery + kewl Mp3s

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Umshini Wam

Not really diggin' waddy's vibe("Ninja" is formally known as Wadkin Tudor Jones, AKA Waddy/Max Normal/Mc Totally Rad). The dude has caused some serious trouble in the creative community here in South Africa, fucking over some big names; Richard de Jager, Nikhil Singh, Felix and Laband and recently Sean Metelerkamp who did Die Antwoord's Zef Side Vid[link] and a recent acquaintance of mine; Wanga AKA Evil Boy[link]. Basically the fucker takes other ppls ideas/skills/intellectual property and exploits it either by using the individual talents of others in his so-called "co-labs" or by directly appropriating the work of others and capitalizing on it.).
The title of this video in particular perturbs me, not for being direct appropriation of our most esteemed president Jacob Zuma, but rather because its using the title of Spoek Mathambo's new single[link] . In my opinion Spoek Mathambo is making the most relevant + interesting + globally acessable music 2 come from SA at the moment and really deserves credit 4 it. But bang, these little punks drop this UMSHINI WAM film and shadow what Spoeks doing under the same title. I just think its so unnecessary, Spoek was one of the few SA artist that managed to come out OK after collaborating with Waddy as a 17 year rapper and has made a sucessful career thus far without being in any way connected to Waddy and his bizarre personal vision. Ripping the title is a real wack move on the part of old Waddy and the gang.
So anyway, why am I blogging this vid if I disagree with Waddys ethics on a base level? Cos its Harmony Korine bitch. Really in2 the style and the "outsider" vibe. Holographic rims, what more could you want from a vid. Something fun 4 the kidz. Looking 4ward to see what sort of reception this vid gets from the global bloggosphere.
P.S. Promise 2 blog some more Spoek Mathambo stuff in the near future.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Origins of Life in an Odd Future

As an old connoisseur of Mp3s, having xplored 40 years of music from the comfort of my bedroom over the last 5 years(via file sharing and data trades with my bros), I can confidently present what is the best music of our wonderfully odd future.

The 70s gave us the two most influential pop movements, Punk and Hip-hop, as well as Kraut Rock, Bowie, the birth of electronic pop(via Kraftwerk) and the Manchester indie scene(via Factory records). The 80s gave us electro, synth pop, New-wave, no-wave and noise pop. The 90s is when the alternative became mainstream, with Nirvana and Radiohead, heroin pop vibes everywhere with the whole shoegazer scene, Sonic Youth shaped modern indie, My Bloody valentines "Loveless" changed everything, Aphex Twin and rest of the creeps at Warp fucked our brains out with Acid, IDM and a whole wack of funky shit that I cannot even begin to Genre-fy. And lest we not forget 2pac, what more can I say?

The 2k00s is where things changed profoundly. Radiohead releases 'Kid A' in 2000 and sets a new precedent for the modern 'rock" band. Some argue that the rock is now officially dead, giving rise to the concept of 'post-rock'. 2k00-2k10 also saw the blooming of the golden era of indie music discovery, via digital formatting, MySpace, Napster and superfast connection speeds. The decade starts of with a bang with New York bands; The Yeahs Yeahs Yeahs and The Strokes dropping some refreshing good ol' rock n' roll, the perfect antithesis to Kid A and measured fear of A.I taking over the new Millenium. But by 2k6 the indie scene has become a joke, gazillions of retro-styled, skinny jeans wearing hipsters got their 15 minutes (via Myspace and Youtube), Hard drives were flooded with useless Mp3s all in the name of gaining indie-cred. But the scene gradually starts to cave in on itself, viral hipster-bashing vids were distibuted across all networks and ppl woke up to what a terrifically lame exercise it had all been. Though you still get plenty of "Kings of Leon" styled douche-bags walking around town in their gay jeans, still believing in something that well and truly ended 5 years ago. I cant really pick out any memorable Mp3s from this era with the notable exception of Animal Collectives "My Girls", which actually in all fairness was put out after 2k6. But Animal Collective, much like the Arcade Fire, managed to transcend the indie bubble and be a great band that will go down in history alongside likes of Radiohead and Sonic Youth.

So whats happened in the last coupla years?:

1.) Animal Collective puts out Merriweather Post Pavillion(Arguably the height of internet era indie)
2.) Indie goes mainstream (via MGMT, Kings of Leon and Arcade Fire)
3.)Mainstream goes Indie (via Kanye West gets a perfect 10 from Pitchfork)

So whats wrong with this picture I ask myself? ITS TOO FUCKIN' WHITE!!!

Ever since I have been musically concious I have been sucked into this white suburban indie machine. I have failed to be concious of the fact that consistently groundbreaking albums have put out by by black artists both mainstream and underground. So this not an attempt at a belated negrofication of tastes, but a rather a sobering realisation that indie as we know it has no pulse to speak of, its dead and has died as a result of being disconneted from the source. All music comes from ppl sitting around fires vibing out with drums and song, the furtherer away we drift from that the more obscure and meaningless our art becomes.

When kanye West's "My Beautiful dark Twisted Fantasy" got a perfect 10 from Pitchfork I was shocked and confused. But I downloaded the album anyway and I since given it a few listens. Personally I have had a hard time with the content, but have since enjoyed it as a musical project, a sound piece, beautiful and varied in structure with an ulta slick and precise production aesthetic. No doubt there are some catchy hooks and makes for top tier pop, but personally it doesnt grab me the way good music should, its comes down to personal preference i guess. I have always been one who tends more toward the ethereal and tripped out sounds of a more ancient origin. This album is hot right now, it contemporary, its the shit, it deserves a perfect 10, but its not really my cup of tea.

Which brings me to "Screwgaze" or Rapegaze/Witch-House/Drag, whatever you wanna call it doesn't matter, it more about the feel of the music than silly fashion trends that have been associated with acts like oOoOO and SALEM. I dont want to hype these artists up more than is necessary but fuck have they changed everything for me at least. They have provided the the missing link between musics ancient past and the Mp3 Bloggosphere of the future.
Im the sorta guy who enjoys nothing more than vibing out with some Tim Hecker or Oneohtrix Point Never and simulating a Heroin rush in my bedroom while gazing out over the city and dreaming up all manner of fanciful occultish notions of mans mysterious origins and technological future. Buts thats me.
How this relates to Screwgaze is that we have here style of music that has taken the extreme of ethereal alienesque sound(via Shogaze, Noise and ghost-synth) and brought back to earth (via HipHop, dubstep beats, and screwed rapping). We have the link, a totally human sound, thats understands the magus-like qualities we humans have and taps into it fully. This is music for a new generation of techno-savy cultural terrorists. We're not sitting around fires anymore, we're around monitors, but we're engaging with the world and changing it. This is postmodern multiculturalism at its finest. No longer R we reliving obscure moments in a previous century's dandyish epochs(via postpunk/new-wave/mod whatever), but rather are we truly embracing the future and making shit happen.

In the last few weeks empires have been toppled by kids (via The Jasmine Revolt), this is some crazy shit going down, I kinda feel guilty that the biggest news in my life is some new Mp3s to vibe to and getting some sexy action in with my new lady. But The collective waves of whats been going have filtered through into my life in a big way. For the first time ever I feel that we all part of the same tribe, that although we may well all be on the brink of anihlation but fuck we're not gonna sit around in apathy and watch it youtube. I wanna be a part of whats going on from the Mp3s I listen to the books I chose to read, the news I screen and the way I chose to live my life.

So in summary I guess Im just tryna say:



P.S. I have chosen not to include 'Chillwave', even though it is the buzz genre of the new decade. There are many so-called chillwavers making interesting music, like Com Truise, Games and Toro Y Moi, but on a whole I think the whole movement reeks of apathy and laziness. I see it as an extention of 2k00s indie, only slicker, cooler and more "chilled". I think its yet another lame hipster genre for rich kids who just wanna be "relevant".

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Just stumbled apon this most delightful little mix. From Oneohtrix to Lil' Kim, a short and sweet sound byte for adventurous ears. Coming in at +-20mins its makes for a great lil' banger to start the day off or chill with a ciggie at the bus-stop when you dont have the time 2 sit thru dozens of silly mp3s, tryna mix up the genres to get that eclectic vibe going.

Track List:
Oneohtrix Point Never — Stress Waves

Echo Lake — In Dreams
Siobhán Donaghy — Medevac

Demdike Stare — Caged In Stammheim


oOoOO — Burnout Eyess


Lil’ Kim — Lighters Up


Julian Lynch — Rancher


Women — Group Transport Hall


Pariah — Detroit Falls


Kenickie — Come Out 2 Nite

King Tubby — Flight Of Africa Dub


J Dilla — Two Can Win

Download it HERE direct from my OpenDrive.


Some Rad Graff Vids from the blog GRAFFITI TRAILERS - NIGGERS KNOW. Especially in2 the AEVUS vid with the Boards of Canada vibing while some next level Euro steel cuts through the icy landsapes.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Komputer Liebe

Bought this Disc when I was a young lad getting into electronic music. I liked the album artwork and was enchanted by the synths and melancholic laments on a not yet full realised digital age.
30 years on since its release date I still kinda feel its a relavant piece of art. Its sat comfortably in my electronically altered soul for a number of years now and I still feel static waves vibing out, via the cortex, when I jam the "computer love" mp3 thru my ipod on the bus ride home after a working a nightshift. I stare up at all the lit up apartments flashing by and bask in the obscure ecstacy of alienation, a thousands lonely evenings, everybody in their box just wanting to reach out to someone somewhere. I guess the great consolation of living in the city is knowing that there so many ppl all feeling the same.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cool Disco Dan

"Cool Disco Dan" was a graffiti artist active in Washington DC in the late 80s/early 90s. I'm really diggin his naive style and gangsta drawings.

Monday, February 7, 2011

DJ Screw

Been vibing lately 2 DJ's Screws 3 in the Mornin' album. Some interesting shit that I've stumbled apon when researching the origins of rape-gaze/drag artists like Salem and oOoOO. He did hundreds of mixes in the 90s, basically taking other ppls raps,bringing down the tempo and screwin' around with various FX.

Kilian Martin: A Skate Escalation

Some Really beautiful skateboarding from Spanish rider Kilian Martin. A move away from the Hip-Hop/Punk-Rock Mid 90s-00s formulaic skating off the 411VM generation. This is the sort of skating I've always dreamed about. Hope to see some stuff from Kilian soon.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Not the greatest trix being nailed nor izit your standard issue skate doccy blastin' out futuristic beats while 1st world kidz bust out on the marble ledges of the Deutsche Bank stair set. Skateistan is a fresh take on skateboarding, stripped off the venice beach/barca/London aesthetic and presented in its purest form; kids xploring the urban environment and making something out of nothing. The shots r really beautiful too.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Black Ryder

Some crazy shoegaze Ive been vibing out 2 this moring.

Friday, January 21, 2011

oOoOO QUiTUS MiX 003

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Rocking to this fantastic mix from oOoOO, part of the Quietus series.Starts of with a bit of a middle eastern flavour and goes on to sample various bits and pieces from various eras and styles. Homing in on the more eerily transcendent elements of the female voice. The mix is blended nicely to give a uniquely postmodern spin on timeless themes in music and art. oOoOO belong to a stylistic movement better known as 'witch house' or 'drag', but whatever it is i'm in2it. To top it off we have Kim Gordon putting the perfect end note with 'Sweet Shine'.

1. Intro
2. Butterclock – Crush
3. Marina & the Diamonds – Oh No! (Active Child Remix)
4. Emiliy Reo – Metal on Your Skin
5. Jana Hunter- Its Not Your Stereo
6. The Angels – Cry Baby Cry
7. Visions of Trees – Kings(OoOoo Remix)
8. Late Mangeshka – Mohe Bhool Gaye Sawariya
9. Grouper – Make Me Over
10. Katy B – Katy On a Mission
11. Nico – Frozen Warnings Ft. Alicia Keys
12. Sonic Youth – Sweet Shine





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