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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Komputer Liebe

Bought this Disc when I was a young lad getting into electronic music. I liked the album artwork and was enchanted by the synths and melancholic laments on a not yet full realised digital age.
30 years on since its release date I still kinda feel its a relavant piece of art. Its sat comfortably in my electronically altered soul for a number of years now and I still feel static waves vibing out, via the cortex, when I jam the "computer love" mp3 thru my ipod on the bus ride home after a working a nightshift. I stare up at all the lit up apartments flashing by and bask in the obscure ecstacy of alienation, a thousands lonely evenings, everybody in their box just wanting to reach out to someone somewhere. I guess the great consolation of living in the city is knowing that there so many ppl all feeling the same.

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