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Friday, May 13, 2011

Com Truise: 'Iwywaw (Teeel Remix)' MP3

Com Truise - Iwywaw (Teeel Remix) by Surfing on Steam
Kewl dance number from the Surfing On Steam blog. Lekker vibable remix of the Cyanide Sisters jam "Iwywaw" from dream-beat artist Teeel.
Its Friday night and I kinda wish I was out at the club, jolling it up, but the crushing realization is that I'm not gonna score any top tier alt pussy, have any mad drug-addled revelations or vibe to any dope beats. Everything I could want is right here; next level Mp3s on my HD, some tobacco to smoke and some good old-fashioned crime fiction to tuck into - Bring on the winter hibernation vibes yo.

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