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Saturday, May 14, 2011

S000 Kewt! :: Tardigrades AKA WaterBears/MossPiglets

Don't normally blog animals but what the hell, these little critters are just too damn keut. They are microscopic, water-dwelling, segmented animals with eight legs. The name water bear comes from the way they walk, reminiscent of a bear's gait. The biggest adults may reach a body length of 1.5 millimetres (0.059 in), the smallest below 0.1 mm. Freshly hatched larvae may be smaller than 0.05 mm.
They also seem have a indestructible quality, they can handle any earthbound climatic extremity and can even survive the vacuum of space. Looks like they're set for another space adventure next week, when the Space Shuttle Endeavour's STS-134 launches on Monday, these lucky buggers along with 4 other microscopic life forms will be joining the crew for fun and games all in the name of science. God bless Darwin.

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