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Monday, May 9, 2011


Not in the mood for getting all political, just kinda feeling a bit perturbed by the whole "Osama fanfare" after his the Al Qaeda leader's targeted killing by U.S. Marines one week ago. I mean its 2011 and we still trapped in this karmic void of revenge and vindication. let the rednecks celebrate their hollow victory but please someone please let me know when the Osama, Che-style T-shirts go on sale.
I really had faith in Barrack Obama for a minute or two, I mean i thought that he quite possibly could be the one that would help America transcend it's self-obsessed over-fortification and rampant egotism, but damn, seems like he's just another redneck tryna catch 'em "towel-heads' and playing out the classic 'kill the bastard' mentlaity. I mean Osama is defineately no angel but come on can't we just learn from this and move on. In the last 10 years 100s of U.S. and British soldiers have lost life and limb over this silly little battle, lets not even go into how many 1000s of Afghan civilians have died since 2001, is this really worth it?
On a lighter note, with all the re-hyping of "The Worlds Former-Most-Wanted", some quirky liitle titbit's surrounding his life have surfaced, including claims that he was a "pot-head" (via living amidst a Marijuana plantation) and my favorite is a recently leaked image of him watching videos of himself.

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