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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Arabic Graffiti

So recently I've been taking an interest in 15th century Islamic arts, from the calligraphers to the miniaturists, its highly disciplined tradition of art that is far removed from the frivolous painters of the west at that point in history. I have also always been interested in graffiti as means of reinterpreting the urban landscape.
So finding this book, Arabic Graffiti(ISBN:978-3937946269) was a terrific find. Arabic by its very nature carries a distinct warrior-like ethos and how that relates to modern graffiti is something I'd defineately like to explore a bit more. It was Rammmellzee, the great american lingual alchemist, who devised the theory behind the "Wildstyle". He spoke in depth about the 'militarisation of the alphabet' in his theory of Gothic Futurism. Anyway I hope to blog a bit more about this book once I get hold of a copy.
P.S. The last picture, the "CTRL+ALT+DELETE" on the Palestinian wall isn't really arabic and falls within the genre intelligent/socially-concious street-art, but fuck it's a damn fine piece of graffiti.

My New Asian Friends!

Need I say more?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

S000 Kewt! :: Tardigrades AKA WaterBears/MossPiglets

Don't normally blog animals but what the hell, these little critters are just too damn keut. They are microscopic, water-dwelling, segmented animals with eight legs. The name water bear comes from the way they walk, reminiscent of a bear's gait. The biggest adults may reach a body length of 1.5 millimetres (0.059 in), the smallest below 0.1 mm. Freshly hatched larvae may be smaller than 0.05 mm.
They also seem have a indestructible quality, they can handle any earthbound climatic extremity and can even survive the vacuum of space. Looks like they're set for another space adventure next week, when the Space Shuttle Endeavour's STS-134 launches on Monday, these lucky buggers along with 4 other microscopic life forms will be joining the crew for fun and games all in the name of science. God bless Darwin.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Good Day Today - David Lynch

Good Day Today by threeminutesthirtyseconds
Legendary director David Lynch has made an unexpected crossover into dance music. Totally far-out. Here's a little sample of a single he put out a couple of months back, but apparently he's just finished a whole album. I'll be prompt on the download and be blogging that shit ASAP.

Com Truise: 'Iwywaw (Teeel Remix)' MP3

Com Truise - Iwywaw (Teeel Remix) by Surfing on Steam
Kewl dance number from the Surfing On Steam blog. Lekker vibable remix of the Cyanide Sisters jam "Iwywaw" from dream-beat artist Teeel.
Its Friday night and I kinda wish I was out at the club, jolling it up, but the crushing realization is that I'm not gonna score any top tier alt pussy, have any mad drug-addled revelations or vibe to any dope beats. Everything I could want is right here; next level Mp3s on my HD, some tobacco to smoke and some good old-fashioned crime fiction to tuck into - Bring on the winter hibernation vibes yo.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Zinja Hlungwani - N'wagezani My Love

These cats are producing some far-out "electro" utilizing cheap/homemade electronics. Labeled as "Shangaan Electro", new wave music form South Africa. They were a meme material last year but since the dust has settled a bit it seems as though they're proving to be a significant group of artists.
In this unofficial video, the music has been played over footage taken from short movie "Charleston Parade" (1927). The dizzying absurdity of the video goes well with the crooning laments of the singer, alluiding to a buzzing sexual overtone. Fun Stuff.

Cankun - Mundaka

Cankun - Mundaka from Jónó Mí Ló on Vimeo.

Kewl vid from Jónó Mí Ló.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ethnic Datings Sites:

Thought it would be interesting to explore the world of internet dating. Im still very much a believer in the good old fashioned and comparatively whimsical method of finding love through chance and random coincidence but I guess the modern way is via the data date. Using technology to link 2 humans 2gether.Here is specially designed online facility for those of Jewish ethnicity.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Vice Cover Jan 2011

The Barking Dog Issue, January 2011.
Photo by Ayman Oghanna
Read the issue here.
Great photo, kinda highlights some of the points I brought up in my post earlier today.


Not in the mood for getting all political, just kinda feeling a bit perturbed by the whole "Osama fanfare" after his the Al Qaeda leader's targeted killing by U.S. Marines one week ago. I mean its 2011 and we still trapped in this karmic void of revenge and vindication. let the rednecks celebrate their hollow victory but please someone please let me know when the Osama, Che-style T-shirts go on sale.
I really had faith in Barrack Obama for a minute or two, I mean i thought that he quite possibly could be the one that would help America transcend it's self-obsessed over-fortification and rampant egotism, but damn, seems like he's just another redneck tryna catch 'em "towel-heads' and playing out the classic 'kill the bastard' mentlaity. I mean Osama is defineately no angel but come on can't we just learn from this and move on. In the last 10 years 100s of U.S. and British soldiers have lost life and limb over this silly little battle, lets not even go into how many 1000s of Afghan civilians have died since 2001, is this really worth it?
On a lighter note, with all the re-hyping of "The Worlds Former-Most-Wanted", some quirky liitle titbit's surrounding his life have surfaced, including claims that he was a "pot-head" (via living amidst a Marijuana plantation) and my favorite is a recently leaked image of him watching videos of himself.